About Me

Welcome to the nail tech diaries.  My name is Ménique Lloyd. Happily married nail technician from South Africa.

I started doing nails since I was young and decided to start a full-time nail salon in 2019. I try my best to always bring the best. My clients absolutely love my work and I keep getting recommendations from them. I take pride in what I do and hate to disappoint anyone. Most of what I know is self-taught and gained through experience.
There’s always more to learn and I enjoy learning and sharing what I have learned

The idea of this blog came to me when I saw how many young, new nail technicians there are, that constantly struggle seeing that there are few real, free sources of good, reliable information out there. 

We live in a competitive environment with many amazing nail technicians.  Unfortunately, many of them prefer to keep their knowledge to themselves or to present it for a price. 

This nail blog is a platform with free, reliable, and relatable information.  I hope you find the information supplied usefully and please, don’t be afraid to contact me or comment on a post with questions.

I will help where I can.  We are in this together

Menique Lloyd

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